- only one students
- 20 minutes
- The examiner you speak to grades you
- fast and clear
- no right answers
The Speaking Exam:
Before Part1 begins:
This is the Speaking test for the international English Language Testing System conducted on … at …
The candidate is … , candidate number … , and the examer is …
Introductory Frame:
- Can you tell me your full name,please?(中文名)
- Thank you. And what shall I call you?(English name)
- And can you tell me where are you from?(国家)
- Can I see your identification please?(Of Course)
Now in this first part,I would like to ask you some question about yourself.
The process
Part 1
: 4-5 min | 3 topics | 9 questions
Questions about yourself,such as:
- Is there anything you dont like about your living area?
- What do you study?
- Which do you prefer,Saturday or Sunday?
Examiner Only:
- repeat question
- aks you to elaborate
Examiner Can’t:
- explain
- create own questions
Part 2
: 3-4min | 1 min for notes | 1-2 min to talk
Can look at topic card and notes while speaking
Describe a person who often help others,you should say:
- who this person is
- what this person does
- how this person help others and explain how you feel about this person
Only in Part 2 can you:
- see the questions/notes
- prepare
You can’t ask for new topic
Part 3
4-5min | room for discussion and debate
Topic is linked to Part 2;your answer need not be
performance in Part 3 is the deal breaker
- What are some reasons why peopele help others?
- Is it necessary to help those in need?
- Who should teach children to hepl others?
- How can the government help people in your country?
- What are some NGOs in your country that help peole?
You Can:
- ask for explainations
- redirect the question
- ask for new question
Grading Criteria for Speaking
- Fluence and coherence
- Pronunciation
- Lexical Resources
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Fluence and coherence
- Speak at length
- Use connectives and discourse markers flexibly
- Develop topic well
- Repeat and self-correct frequently
- Have a lot of language-related hesitation
- Over-Use connectives and discourse markers
- Use connectives and discourse markers wrong
Do you like eating fish?
too short:
- Yes,of course. I love it.
- No,I don’t,cause it smells, and there are way too many bones
Acceptable Length:
No,I dont,cause it smells,and there are way too many bones. Every time I go by the seafood market, the smell of fish just makes me want to throw up, and I really hate the bones, you know when I was a kid, a fish bone got stuck in my throat, and I ended up in the hospital. It was a complete nightmare, and it’s one of the main reasons why I dislike eating fish.
- must pronounce vowels(元音) right
- can be slow yet alse fluent
- itonation matters a lot
- practice word stress and sentence strees
- pause where needed(clear meaning)
Lexical Resources(词汇量)
- less common and idiomatic(地道的) words
- effective paraphrase(遇到不会的词,换个说法讲出来)
- topic-related vocab(fishing相关的:防晒帽,拉鱼干等)
- style and collocation(整体风格要一致,不要忽高忽低)
- precise meaning(比较细致,隐隐作痛用什么来描述)
Less common words:
Idiomatic Vocabulary:
Topic-related vocab:
Style and Collocation:
Precisce Meaning:
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
- 一个句子多个信息点
- uses a range of complex structure flexibly
- frequently produces error-free sentences
- some mistakes persist(不影响理解的错误可以存在)
Complex Structure:
Part 1
- Part1 Question Stydles
- Brainstorming
- Reservoir of Ideas
- Linking Words
- Basic Requirements
Part1 Question Stydles
Question Style:
- Question Types:
- Yes/No
- Wh-Questions
- Choice Questions
- Hypothetical Questions
- 4 Main Topics(Part2依然是)
- People
- Places
- Objects
- Events
Question Types:
4 Main Types:
3 Mandatory Frames(必考话题)
- Where you live now
- Hometown
- Work/Study
Where you live now:
Basic Answer Structure
Topic Sentence:to give a clear,simple,direct answer
- no need to repeat the question
- no need to paraphrase the question
- Must answer accordingly
Supporting Details:
- to elaborate and make your meaning clearer
- to communicate effectively
- to show your linguistic ability
How to add details:
- Opinion
- Description
- Comparaison
- Prediction
- Reason
- Example
- Result: good or bad
- Reference: 借别人的口来说
Templates for reference:
- TS + reason + example + another reason + opinton
- TS + reason + comparaison + details
- TS + opinion + description + prediction
Templates for No Answers:
- No + reason + opinion + prediction + result
Reservoir of Ideas
- Time
- Money
- Health
- Relationships(场景里面涉及到多个人)
- Emotions
- Experience
- Environment:自然环境,城市环境,成长环境(孟母三迁)
- Culture
- Pressure
- Convenience
Linking Words
- or
- either…or…
- otherwise,…
- on the other hand,…
- alternatively,…
- such as
- like..
- for example
- for instance
- I think
- I feel
- I believe
- in my opinion
- in my view
- because
- as/for
- due to
- as a result of
- for the reason that
- and/also
- besides
- as well as
- not only…but also…
- another
- but/yet
- on the other hand
- still,…
- although/even though
- in spite of…
- in other words,…
- in particular,…
- to be specific,…
- that is…
- indeed
- in fact
Basic Requirement
You are aminly scored on(短期很难进步,所以会着重听):
- Fluency
- Pronunciation
Control length of answer
- 20~30 sec for each question
- about 3~5 sentences
- some answers should be long(resons,preferences,experiences,descriptions,importance)
- other don’t need to be
- be natural,don’t talk too much
「Basic grammar」 must be correct:
- 三单
- 一般过去时
- 完成时
- 被动语态
- 虚拟语气
- Record yourself
- Listen and note your mistakes
- Practice the structure 5-10 times with new sentences
Part 2
Part 2 Format:1
You should say:
- who...
- what...
- where...
and explain why/how you feel...
Example of Topic Card:
Topics(same as Part1):
- people
- Place
- Objects
- Events
- Examiner gives you topic card
- Examiner gives you 1 min to prepare
- Examiner asks you to stop taking notes afer 1 min
- Examiner tells you to start speaking about topic
- Examiner stops you afer 1-2 min
- Examiner asks follow-up question
For the follow-up question:
- you do not need give a full answer
- you do not need to give details
- you do not need to understand the question
- you do not need to say pardon
- over
Quick Recap:
- Fluency and Coherence (repitition and self-correction,self-correction一定要去改)
- Pronunciation(说到中间的时候需要把语调提起来,清晰,升降起伏,单词的重音)
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy
- Lexical Resources
- fast != fluent
Basic Requirements:
- Speak as soon as examiner says so
- Keep hte ball rolling
- Speak with feeling
- Stop when examiner tells you to
- Try not to say “that’s all” and end P2 yourself
Reminders for Part 2:
- will have 1 full minute for notes
- don’t write on book,use paper or whiteboard
- if card nad notes are taken,ask for them back
- no need to finish in exactly 2 min(1min50sec)
- being interrupted is normal
- can’t ask for new topic
- examiner is not allowed to explain topic
- eye contact is good,but not absolutely necessary
- examiner may seem unengaged
Topic Card
- 中间的部分可有可没有
- 前后两部分一定要有
Pay attention to:
- Key words: 看清题目
- Modifiers
- tense(时态)
- Focus of topic(主次分明,不一定要每个部分都平均)
- 题目里的modifiers多出现几次是没事的(exciting)
Brainstorming Method I
Describe an exciting trip you once took.
You should say:
- where you went
- how you travelled there
- what you did during the trip
and explain how you felt about the trip.
Ok,so I am gonna talk about an exciting trip that I took.
- a few months ago
- end of summer classes
- needed a break
- with my boyfriend
- Chongqing
- special ,relaxing
- tired
- not a big deal,worth it(尽管有点累,但不是什么大事,它是值得的)
- 语篇标记,粉色部分可以强调一下,增加层次感
- 背景介绍的最后一句话,利用modifier点一下题
- but表示讲到重点上了
- anyway用于总结
Brainstorming Method II
- 5Ws and H: Who,What,Where,When,Why,How
- Turn them into your own questionws:每个部分在上面挑选三个,然后问三个问题
- Answer these questions,about 2 sentences each
Who this person is:
- appearance:帅气男孩女孩,老年人
- personality:人的性格,害羞,缩到他的壳里去
- who they are to you
What this object is:
- apparance: simply,classic,elegant
- brand: 公司,历史
- function/pupose:可以做什么事情
What this event is:
- purpose: 为什么要举办
- venue:地点场地
- attendees:person
When you do/did sth:
- period: 模糊的时间线,两年前,两月之前
- exact time:暑假结束的时候,某个周末的早晨
- occasion: 高考结束之后
Where you do/did sth:
- relative location
- exact place
- near/far
- how you get there
- symbol/meaning
How you do/did sth:起因结果结果
- cause
- process
- result
Guidelines for Taking Notes:
- Write key words(mostly hypernyms): 比较泛的的大方向词,比如水果和草莓
- Write good words/phrases you want to use:好词好句
- Don’t write full sentences
- Don’t worry about spelling
- can use Chinese/symbol/abbreviations(缩写)
Introducing the Topic
Brainstorming Method I中使用的是Ok,so I am gonna talk about an exciting trip that I took.
- Ok,so…,well,…
- Ok,so I’am gonna talk about…
- Alright,so the topic I’m talking about is…
- Today I would like to talk about…
- I would like to share sth about…
Describe a kind of bag I wanna own,well,it’s…
- Ok,so a kind of bag I wanna own,well,it’s…
- Ok,so I’m gonna talk about a kind of bag I wanna own.
- Alright,so the topic I’m talking about is a kinda bag I wanna won.
- Today I would like to talk about a kind of a bag I want to own.
- I would like to share sth about a kind of bag I want to own.
Introducing the Points
- 讲完每个点可以喘一下气,似的结构分明
Introducing Bullet Points:
- ask and answer:自问自答
- as for…
- and about…
And explain…:and finaly,…
Recycling Material:串题
Staying on Topic
You can use the same material for many different topics,however the focus of each topic is entirely different.
- 不要全篇照搬,只能利用一部分
Guidelines for recycling
- Summarize the main points fo your material
- Keep the good words and phrases
- Avoid obvious operative words from other prompts(不要让其他题目中的关键词明显的重复)
- BEST start talking about focus 40-50sec in(早点进入正题)
- Talk naturally,don’t recite
Filling Up Time
How to fill up time:
- Oh,I forget to mention…
- Something I’d like to add is…
- Another point I want to make is…
Part 3
Question Types
Level 1 Questions(Ban 5/0.5 over or under):
- relatively easy,basic vocabulary
- function of task is relatively simple
- ask about observations of objective reality
- only needs to call on knowledge,no deep thinking
Level 2 Questions(Ban 6/0.5 over or under):
- questions are a bit more complex,bigger vocabulary
- function of task requires arguement and support
- concept behind question is a bit adstract
- requires examinee to have thoughts on the matter
Level 3 Questions(Ban 7/0.5 over or under):
- questions include unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts
- require argument ,support,and objectiveness
- concept behhind question is very abstract
- requires some exposure to western culture/valures(讲全世界通用的东西)
Question Types:
- list
- explain or give reasons
- compare and constrast
- suggest
- agree/disagree
- predict
Discourse & Reminders
Watch your discourse:
- use the third person(bar giving opinions):个人看法除外
- don’t give examples of yourself(没有代表性):me -> a group of people
- talk about groups
- phrase your examples to seem typical: 例子更加典型
- use plenty of discourse markers
- Part 3 is what decides your final score
- Don’t recite answers
- Make sure you understand before you answer: 可以让考官解释一下
- If interrupted after first 1-2 sentences, wrong answer
- Answer can be simple,but meaning needs to be clear
- Examiner can make up questions
- You need to justify your answer
- You can truthfully say “I don’t know”
Reservoir of ideas
Tips to crack IELTS Speaking Part3:
- Specific knowledge about any topic doesn’t matter
- Your opinion matters on IELTS Speaking Part3
- You may contradict the tone of question in your answers as long as you justify your opinion
- Compare the options if offered in a question and give respective explainations
- time
- money
- energy
- feelings
- personality
Important Tools
keep asking yourself:一直问自己为什么?
- warm and comfortable
- dont’t care about style
- might look a bit outdated
Never Assume Explain exerything(except universally acknowledged facts):
- 在大城市不等于能赚到很多钱
Use high-level words:
- mid-level -> detailed -> high-level
this template is mainly for listing questions:
- Step1: Well,I think there are a lot of…(正经的废话)
- Step2: but I guess the most… + point 1
- Step3: Reason(Example is optional)
- Step4: And also,Point 2
- Step5: Evidence
- Step6: So yeah,those are …(paraphrase prompt)
this template is mainly for Explaining,Comparing,Suggesting,Agree/DIsagreeing,Predicting Questions:
- Step1:Claim 摆观点和立场
- Step2:Evidence/Example
- Step3:Reasoning
- Step4:Counter Argument 让步
- Step5:Reclaim
Try to be more objective:
- from my experience,…
- based on what I know,…
- as far as I am concerned,…
- I can’t say much about other…
- usually,….
- most of the time…
- some people…
- a lot of people …
- 如何去表达一个完整的观点:简单想法,给出例子,解释想法
- 雅思口语要说人话,不要为了装逼而说话
- 听外国人表达观点的视频:不是看ted演讲,而是人与人之间的交流视频
- 张嘴去说,想办法用英语去解释周围的一切
- 要有自信
- 想赢VS怕输:想赢不会犹豫直接回报名,无论考的多差都会继续行动下去;怕输是无限的备考