The second batch of Mphil applications for HKUST (GZ) is now OPEN!!! (September 22nd)
Table of Contents
香港科技大学(广州)(英语:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou),缩写:HKUST(GZ)),简称港科大(广州),位于中国广东省广州市南沙区东涌镇,是香港科技大学、广州大学和广州市人民政府共同举办的一所大学,为粤港澳大湾区规划发布后首个具独立法人资格的内地与香港合作办学机构,也是南沙区内第一所高校。学校于2019年9月动工,2022年6月获教育部正式批准设立并启用,同年9月正式开学。
港科大(广州)将不会重叠清水湾校园已提供的学科,而将重点发展交叉学科,以相互补足。该校采用“Hubs - Thrust Areas”(枢纽-学域),而非传统院-系的学术组织架构,以鼓励学科交叉。现规划有4个学科枢纽,下设17个学域:
- Function Hub:先进材料、地球与海洋大气科学、微电子、可持续发展能源及环境
- Information Hub:人工智能、数据科学及分析、计算媒体与艺术、物联网
- Systems Hub:生物医学及生物医药工程、智能交通、机器人与自动化系统、智能制造
- Society Hub:金融科技、创新创业与公共政策、城市治理与设计、MBA+、碳中和与气候变化
Before Submitting
- 2025.6.15(国际学生)
- 2025.7.15(中国大陆和港澳台学生)
Admission Requitements:
- bachelor’s degree
- IELTS: 均分6.5,小分至少5.5
- Application opens: 22 Jul 2024
- Application deadline for international students: 15 Jun 2025
- Application deadline for Chinese students: 15 Jul 2025
- Program registration: Mid-Aug 2025
- On-campus registration and New Student Orientation Week Lat: Aug 2025
- Program commencement: 1 Sep 2025
Scholarship & Fees:
- Application Fees:CNY 150
- Scholarship:CNY 10,000 per month
- Tuition Fees:CNY 40,000 per academic year
- Fees for On-campus Accommodation:
- 8 rooms apartment,including ADA 7 rooms apartment:CNY 580/month per room
- 6 rooms apartment:CNY 630/month per room
Studio, - studio,including ADA studio:CNY 850/month per studio
- 1 room suite,including ADA suite: CNY 1,100/month per suite
Documen Requirements:
Identity Document
:valid Mainland ID CardOfficial Transcripts and Degree Certificates of Academic Qualification
: To cover the full tertiary education history; Latest transcript if the degree program is not yet completedInstitution Grading System
: To show the transcript legends/ keys/ grading scales; normally found at the back of the transcript or student handbookPublic Exam Score Reports
: Required only if there is a Program-Specific Requirement on public examination achievements, e.g. GMAT, GREProposed Research Plan and Past Research Experience (for application to Research Postgraduate Programs)
: Experience or participation in research projects ;Proposed research topic and plan for research ; Please refer to the Online Admission System for detailsAcademic References
: Nominate 2-5 referees to support your application ; The referees will be invited by email to complete a reference report online
Step 1: Apply Online
- Create an account at the Online Admission System
- Submit your Online Application before the Application Deadlines
- Pay Application Fee
- Attend any interviews you may have
- Check for the email communications from us
Step 2: Check Your Application Status
- Check for the admission offers (or other application status updates) at the Online Admission System from time to time
Reference Links: 港科广一站式申请指南
- 上午场项目小组活动,候选人将现场随机组成小组,迎接主题挑战任务,活动旨在评估候选人的综合能力和素养(团队协作,沟通能力等);
- 下午场个人面试,主要考察候选人的学术积累和专业素养。
港科广 第三批 (from 小红薯)
但是我觉得最好自己能主动的总结一下自己做的research ,让自己的形象更加丰满(我虽然总结了,但是面试老师没问,我也没说,我觉得老师面了那么多,问问题也疲劳了,而且也可能不了解你做的方向,提不出来能让你展现自己的问题,如果你可以抛出问题,并且可以很好的回答,也很不错)
- 申请-审核制:个人在官网提出申请,通过红鸟硕士项目招生委员会的遴选与面试,获得录取推荐资格(Offer Recommendation)。
- 推荐-审核制:个人通过特定组织或机构的选拔后,被推荐后进入红鸟硕士项目招生委员会的审核流程,审核通过的获得录取推荐资格。
- 1.招生指导委员会(Admission Steering Committee)负责制定招生总体方针政策与发展策略;
- 2.遴选与面试委员会(Selection & Interview Committee)由各枢纽/学域及学院的教员(Faculty)联合组成,负责完成遴选、面试和录取推荐等全过程工作;
- 3.未来技术学院招生委员会(CFT Admission Committee)负责制定招录实施方案,指导与监管招生行政团队的具体执行工作;
- 4.未来技术学院招生申诉委员会(Admission Appeal Committee)负责审理红鸟硕士项目招录工作相关申诉,整体监督招生程序合规性。
- (1)对于遴选结果为"推荐"的申请人将被邀请参加线下面试;
- (2)对于遴选结果为"居中"的申请人将进入"候补名单"(Waiting List),以便委员会在后续的特定轮次进行滚动遴选(为了确保招录质量以及公平性,每位候补名单中的申请人只有一次滚动遴选的机会);
- (3)对于遴选结果为"不推荐"的申请人,将给其发拒信,且其不可再次提交同一届入学的招生申请。
面试:由于常规的考试与线上面试难以全面评价申请人的真实能力,红鸟硕士项目开创了特色的线下面试,包括小组活动与个人面试,以实现多维度地综合评价申请人的团队与个人表现。为贯彻透明、公平和公正的原则,红鸟硕士项目提前面向社会公开面试题目、形式与评分规则等,以确保所有申请人均获得一致的信息,而且要求所有申请人都必须参加在广州校园举办的线下面试,才有可能获得录取推荐资格。遴选与面试委员会将严格按照规定,开展线下面试,并完成综合评价以及集体决策等工作:通过线下面试的申请人将获得录取推荐资格,而未通过线下面试的申请人将对其发送拒信,且其不可再次提交同一届入学的招生申请。具体安排请参见: 此外,由于海外申请人受到签证、国际交通等问题影响,受限较多,红鸟硕士项目特别规定:获得参加线下面试资格的海外申请人(不包含港、澳、台地区)可以选择参加线上预面试,在获得评委的反馈后,再决定是否参加线下面试。该预面试结果不作为委员会最终判断其是否获得录取的根据。
每 4-6 名申请人现场随机组成一个小组,必须在规定时间内,只使用官方提供的基础材料(积木、纸、绳子、竹木等),结合特定的题目和临时的挑战任务,创作出一个模拟未来城市的作品。每组随机分配 2 位评委进行全过程观察、记录与评分。
- 签到及随机分组(30 分钟):
- 签到及随机分组(30 分钟):
- 抽取主题关键词(10 分钟):
主办方负责人开场致辞后,在 5 大领域(未来健康保健技术、可持续生活、智能工业化、低空经济、海洋科技与经济)中随机抽取其中一个作为主题关键词 1,并现场使用 AI 随机生成一个形容词作为关键词 2。例如,本次活动随机抽取的主题关键词 1 为“智能工业化”,关键词 2 为“寒冷的”。
- 抽取主题关键词(10 分钟):
- 制作阶段(110 分钟):
每个小组根据上述两个主题关键词,在一个长、宽、高分别为 75.5cm、51.5cm、>43cm 的立体空间内制作相应的作品。要求每组作品包含不少于 5 个模块(模块功能或内容由小组自行定义),而且整个作品高度必须超过43cm。例如,有一小组根据“智能工业化”与“寒冷的”两个关键词,创建了一个具备高度智能工业化生产能力,且能够在严寒环境中提供可持续的生活条件和高效管理的未来城市,包含了智能工业中心、严寒能源供应与管理系统、智能交通网络、常温智能居住区、抗寒垂直农业与生态等模块。
- 制作阶段(110 分钟):
- 设计挑战任务(10 分钟):
- 设计挑战任务(10 分钟):
- 挑战任务(20 分钟):
每个小组必须在 20 分钟内完成挑战任务的应对方案,并在白板上写好小组作品介绍,要求包含应对方案,形式不限。此期间,允许各小组调整各自的作品以及进行组间的模块自由交易。建议各小组妥善使用金币,争取使投资产生最大价值。
- 挑战任务(20 分钟):
- 小组陈述及组内互评(30 分钟):
- 小组陈述及组内互评(30 分钟):
评委将通过以下四个阶段观察申请人的表现,并根据可观察的行为打分。每项标准的评分范围为 0-2 分,具体如下:
- 0: 未观察到相关行为;
- 1: 行为部分观察到或表现不一致;
- 2: 行为完全观察到并有效展示。申请人总分最高可达 36 分。评委还可以添加简短的评分意见备注。
- 30-36 分:表现出卓越的潜力,具备领导力、团队合作能力和创造力;
- 24-29 分:表现出较强的潜力,在各阶段中表现一致,但某些方面仍有提升空间;
- 18-23 分:表现出中等潜力,具备部分关键行为,但在领导力或适应性等关键领域可能存在困难;
- 18 分以下:潜力有限,在各阶段中表现不一致或较弱。
- 主办方将根据实际工作需求,在活动现场安排相关录音、录像或拍摄等;
- 迟到、缺席或不遵守规定,甚至对面试现场造成破坏或不良影响者,将被直接取消面试资格;
- 活动地点为香港科技大学(广州)校园的 Highbay,全部制作环节必须在指定区域内完成;
- 各小组在活动结束后须快速整理物资,清理现场后,方可离场;
- 若中英文版本产生歧义,将以中文版本为准。所有规则的最终解释权归香港科技大学(广州)所有。
口头演讲(5 分钟,请使用 PPT):请在以下五个主题领域中挑选一个,并阐述你攻读该领域硕士学位的原因:
- 未来健康保健技术
- 可持续生活
- 智能工业化
- 低空经济
- 海洋科技与经济
问答环节(10 分钟):评委将就广泛话题进行提问。
评委将通过两个阶段观察申请人的表现,并根据可观察的行为打分。每项标准的评分范围为 0-2 分,具体如下:
- 0: 未观察到相关行为;
- 1: 行为部分观察到或表现不一致;
- 2: 行为完全观察到并有效展示。申请人总分最高可达 36 分。
- 30-36分:表现出卓越潜力,具备强大的可转移技能、批判性思维能力等,并在压力下表现沉着;
- 24-29分:表现出较强潜力,具备关键技能,但某些方面仍有待提升;
- 18-23分:表现出中等潜力,展示了基础技能,但在适应性或团队合作等关键方面表现较为薄弱;
- 18分以下:潜力有限,在两个阶段中表现不一致或较弱,需要显著改善。
- 1.主办方将根据实际工作需求,在活动现场安排相关录音、录像或拍摄等;
- 2.迟到、缺席或不遵守规定,甚至对面试现场造成破坏或不良影响者,将被直接取消面试资格;
- 3.面试地点为香港科技大学(广州)校园,全部面试环节必须在指定区域内完成;
- 4.面试结束后,申请人须带齐个人物品,立即离开指定面试区域;
- 5.若中英文版本产生歧义,将以中文版本为准。所有规则的最终解释权归香港科技大学(广州)所有。
C.V. tips
PhD 陶瓷
Mphil 面经
- 120块/晚(可续1天+180元);
- 宿舍物品齐全,一次性牙刷沐浴毛巾水等都有;
- 很考验团队协作能力,注意加分点关键点:“逆重力”和“多个运动物体”,想要实现这两个点其实有很多种方案,比如设计个类似于跷跷板的装置或者是滑轮把小球拉上去,中间装置也可以利用弹簧把小球弹起来等,我认为最主要的提前了解可以实现的方法但是不要拿出一个非常详细的方案;
- 如果是中间组要和前后两组协商好启动和结尾装置,并在汇报中体现,这点会很加分;
- 最终汇报我们是每个人汇报自己的部分,这里尽量多汇报一点,特别是自己的贡献以及团队间相互合作,这点也很加分;
- 房间和编号都是随机的,3个老师1个助教,老师都有个人简历无需额外准备,多针对ppt和你给的材料项目和简历。可以在ppt上下钩子,让老师往你想要的方向去问。(如上图)
- 面试过程中不怯场和自信的,老师可能全程低头,但不代表对你不感兴趣,可能正在深挖cv,主要还要个人引导吸引老师兴趣。
- 就目前申请来看,有无语言成绩影响不大。
24Fall 第二批 面经
CV,3封推荐信,论文和奖项材料,没写RP,但写了VS (科大特有的Vision statements)
- 2023.10.26 提交申请
- 2023.12.02 面试通知
- 2023.12.15 线下面试
- 2023.12.18 交齐推荐信
- 2023.12.26 收到研推信
- 2024.01.16 收到正式offer
- ① 面试者一共分为10个小组,每个团队会有2小时的时间来完成各自的多米诺骨牌,2小时到了以后,会有半小时的时间给每个小组的多米诺骨牌进行前后相互衔接。
- ② 一定要提前准备好整个机构大概的思路,第二批面试我发现大家变得很卷,都几乎有备而来,最后各组做出来的多米诺都很复杂,各种机关。如果临时临忙才开始设计多米诺,在有限的2个小时里会很吃亏。
- ③ 其实最后几乎没有一组是能够不人工干预地就能让多米诺骨牌完美触发的,几乎每组都需要中途手动干预。
- ④ 最后会有10分钟的小组总结环节,每个组员在评委老师面前,发表对活动的总结和不足之处。最后每个小组组员会对彼此进行匿名的贡献度排名。
- ①我的基本背景(院校,GPA,奖项,论文)
- ②我想从事的具体研究方向
- ③我选择这个方向和选择科广的原因
- ① 介绍一下你的这个科研项目?
- ② 你在这个项目里负责什么工作?
- ③ 这个工作用到了什么工具?
- ④ 你的未来规划,以及为什么要这样规划?
- ⑤ 确认了一遍我的GPA排名。
- ⑥ 你还申请了什么学校?
- ⑦ 你大学时期的最困难的一段经历,和这段经历的收获?
- ⑧ 怎么看待鹅坞冲突?(很搞)
- ESG是什么?可持续发展是什么?你怎么下一个定义?(前提:我论文有涉及到ESG)
- 我看你的定义中更像是一个碳中和的概念,具体说说
- 如果你进入rbm,想攻读的具体领域?可以说进入后想做一个什么样的具体课题吗?
- 为什么想做这个领域?什么契机?
- 可以说说是什么时候开始对这个领域感兴趣的吗?有什么相关科研经历吗?如果是一年前就感兴趣了,为什么一年下来都没有取得相应的成果?
- 这个领域你掌握了什么技术?
- 所以你在环境领域没有相关的技术吗?
- 有感兴趣的导师吗?
- 某个项目中具体做了什么工作?
- 更未来的规划?
- 绩点排名
- 1.事实证明不用太准备专业课,因为很小可能遇到同方向的老师(cs专业当我没说),但是基本上ppt和cv的内容要熟悉😵💫
- 2.能说尽量多说,感觉就像是一个说服老师的过程。我就是说的太少了,面试得贼快。按网上看老师拷打得越久越狠兴趣越大?
24Fall 第六批 面经
- 这一批我看见有116人面试,推研群里57人目前。面试录取率应该是50%
- 面试同学绝大多数是985的,中大华工的最多。也不乏gap 二硕 或已工作多年的申请人
🧑🤝🧑群面 多米诺
- 6人合作,攻略帖很多,不再赘述
- 会有个组内互评环节,匿名给彼此排序🙀
⭐️我觉得在小组合作中你所展现的领导力,团队协作,创新和问题解决能力比结果更重要。 - 最后有个自我评价环节,老师评价环节
- 为啥不在新加坡读来这里了?
- 你对数据科学和生命科学 哪个更感兴趣呢!
- 有提前陶瓷了没呀 你的RP是自己写的吗?
- 设计一个课题吧(data mining相关,很搞🥴
- 拿到offer的话 会来我们这里吗 会立马做什么
- 长期长远的的学习or职业规划(eg 读博
- 为什么选择这个项目?(因为IIP很感兴趣
- 除了你选的研究领域外你还有什么感兴趣吗?
- 你之前是不是全做dry lab,没有做过wet啊?
- 还申请了哪些学校和项目?
HKUSTGZ MPhil 港科广红鸟24Fall面经
TL: 11.10网申~1.15面邀2.4推研2.29offer
BG: 中游985 CS专业 GPA3.5/4 Ranking15% 校普奖/优生/优毕x5 科研经历x2 论文发表A会n作+C会一作+在投A会一作 非大厂上市公司实习x2 大创x1 港三MSc应届生
- 1 锤子型:重物转着下降把小球打上去
- 2 跷跷板型:靠不同力臂长度
- 3 电梯型:碰掉一个重物下坠,另一边用绳子拉着小球上升
- 4 荡秋千型:下行上抛轨道
- 5 弹簧型:从张紧状态释放,包括弹出和缩回
- 6 动势结合型:动态配重,把配重撞到跷跷板另一边
- 7 单轴板型:撞掉支撑板子的小柱使板子无轴端下坠打球
- 看你简历有搞机器人,可以简单说说MPC吗(我简历的延伸)?
(说不是搞这个方向之后) - 可以说一下FPGA吗?(也是简历的延伸,不了解,在第一个问题说不好之后就应该说自己擅长的方向的。。猪b了哈哈)
- 在项目经历中遇到最大的问题是什么?
- 本科GPA多少,多少名
- 说说pid和前馈控制(可能看我前面技术都不会)
- 你觉得你跟别的参加红鸟的人比,你的优势是什么?
- 如果加入了rbm,未来想要的研究方向。
面试要求:口头报告(5分钟,用PPT)+ 问答环节(10分钟)
- 语言:因为这两个环节是选其一使用英文表达就可以,所以非英语native speaker直接选择英文报告,中文问答就好了,以便提前准备。
- 形式:zoom线上会议,提前测试好网络和双机位就好了~
- 面试官:基本是你报名的hub/研究方向的老师们,而且是年轻ap,比咱们大不了多少,非常友好~
- Summary of research work :以项目形式介绍我的研究、实习和创新创业经历;总结我的研究技能
- Why …(我选择的研究方向) 主要介绍自己的研究意向,其实就是rp里的研究背景、研究意义、文献综述等部分 ;如果已经写/构想过rp,就可以把rp里的主要研究内容和研究设计放上去,只放大框架就ok
- What I can do in …(研究方向) 摆出来自己可以完成的任务,毕竟入学后就是要打工的,得让老板知道招了你以后你能干啥 😂
- PPT的立意和主线一定是最重要的❗
- 老师会根据PPT内容提问,所以要对自己写的每句话负责
- 我觉得之前一个朋友说得很中肯,MPhil面试就相当于你硕士论文的开题答辩,所以至少要搞清楚你MPhil期间想研究什么并清晰地展示出来
- PPT的样式真的不重要啦,简洁不丑就行,我就是拿一个空白PPT做的,没有任何模板,如下图👉
- 老师们基本上按照你申请系统上提交的CV和口头报告PPT里的内容提问
- 建议花时间吃透自己的所有项目/经历,搞清楚自己在其中的角色、职责/作用、获得了什么,以及这对读(这个方向的)MPhil有什么用
- 在过往研究项目里,老师可能更侧重于听选题来源、研究设计以及研究的具体落实情况
- 这个环节其实非常case by case,甚至可以说是free talk,所以深挖完自己的过往经历 + 研究规划以后放轻松,随机应变就好
- 1.研究规划,研究方向和项目方向是否契合
- 2.研究能力,研究潜力是否过关
- 语言表达:逻辑清晰,分层/分点回答问题
- 性格表现:真诚且自信就好啦~
25Fall 申请背景
- 学位证和毕业证,可以通过学信网在线发送;
- 准备好成绩单,要有每个科目的那种,中文英文都可以;
- 成绩评定系统,也就是你们学校的打分细则,比如有的成绩有优秀(算95分),良好(85分)的那个;
- 雅思成绩也可以通过雅思官网来寄送,时间填你考试的时间!!!不是收到结果的时间。
📌值得注意的: 成绩单和成绩评定系统这两个都可以通过带有学校后缀edu的邮箱发送。
24Fall Timeline
1. 希望在粤港澳大湾区攻读博士/硕士学位的理由 (不超过 2000 字,包括空格) Reasons for wishing to pursue PhD / MPhil Studies in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) (up to 2000 characters including spaces)
写作思路: 夸自己强调科研和能力—夸学校的特色和模式—夸大湾区
- (1) 从自身角度出发:
- ① 适当简述过去所取得的突出成绩,阐述这些成绩对你个人提升的作用,对你未来就读 MPhil 的作用
- ② 简述自己的研究经历或主题与港科广的三大主题的关系,阐述如何将自己的研究与科广的目标结合,如何继续利用机会去创新和发展
(突出强调融合学科的概念,计算机类学科在这个上比较好写,左右都能站上边) - ③ 融合新的板组+书院教学模式,阐述自己如何在这种小组项目式学习下提升,描述自己的发展意愿和方向
- ④ 更多的发展交流机会,学术会议,对外合作等
- (2) 从学校角度出发: 夸一下学校定位、战略目标、模式等
- (3) 从粤港澳大湾区发展角度: 实习、科研深造、创业就业等角度
2. 长期职业规划,毕业后的目标和兴趣(不超过2000字,含空格) Long-term career plan, aims and interests for future development after graduation (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
- 短期目标:积累经验,提升专业技能,明确发展方向
- 长期目标:创业,读博继续深造
- 技能评估:定期自我评估,发现自身技能缺点并修正,持续学习保持行业发展的敏感度,参加专业培训、研讨会
- 行业分析:
- 市场研究:了解行业趋势和变化,例如科技发展、市场需求变化等
- 理论研究:了解该领域的理论或者技术困难,谈解决措施
- 工作:谈论如何利用港科广的资源进行创业(地域优势,人才培养优势)
- 深造:尽量多接触读博的想法,并阅读感兴趣的导师最近的论文,讨论你将如何在该领域进行什么工作【突出融合学科特性】
3. 你想要对粤港澳大湾区的研究发展和对社会的贡献(不超过2000字) Contribution that you would like to make to the development of research in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and to the society (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
- 生物技术:我将利用 AI+生物技术相结合的新模式,提高生物医学检测的效率和准确度【专业角度】
- 第二个问题是关于长期职业规划、目标和发展兴趣:写作的时候应该着重结合科研目标或者就业目标进行深入阐述,抛出专业性问题,由浅入深
- 第三个问题是关于未来能为大湾区作出的贡献:写作的时候应该着重书写港科广的培养成果,能够呜呜大湾区经济科技等方面带来的进步和创新,应尽量往国家战略靠紧,进行宏大命题的叙述
- 水话写作内容不应该太多,要结合自身专业性进行写作
- 要结合自身比较突出的一两个项目进行关联写作
- 深入地就一个领域进行写作,要注意几个问题之间的关联性,不要造成前后矛盾的问题
① 融合学科教育: 时代背景下需要交叉融合能源、大数据、生物医学等领域的前沿技术才能推陈出新——“复合型创新人才”
② 教学创新: 枢纽+学域的模式,更加尊重学生研究意愿和个体化差异、实践和理论结合,以项目制为主导的小组学习模式,也采用双导师互选制+引导式教学,鼓励学生自我探索和发展——“以学生为中心”
③ 科研成果转化和应用: 科广支持校内科研人员与产业界紧密结合,将融合性科研成果进行转化落地以解决行业面临的现实问题
// 另一个角度:港校本来和港科广互补,形成人才和技术供应网络
④ 创新创业: 了解行业发展方向和需求,力求突破和创新,以粤港澳大湾区的经济一体化物理发展为动力,将个人事业目标与区域发展结合
- 一些水话、术类不要写太多,起不了作用,仔细阅读一下目标板组的老师的相关研究方向论文,看看自己的研究方向能不能往上融合
- 突出更多一些专业性的问题和解决方法!!! (凸显个人专业性) (可以是抛出一些专业名词,或者就某一领域或未解决的问题提出出个人看法和意向描绘
- 就目前的形式来看,港科广 mphil 的毕业要求也很高:要求第一作者或者共同一作者的发表论文 credits 不低于 8 分,至少一篇 Journal+Conference,且对论文级别也有严格要求
- 文书写得天花乱坠、没有真实事,大概率被枪灰,有很多 Top 985 面试被淘汰的,“学校背景+科研能力”才是竞争的核心,不必拿少数被录取的个例来印证港科广的 bar 变低,反而是随着信息的公开,bar 越高越高
- VS 和 RP 一定要好写!!! 尤其是 RP,这几乎是整个文书的核心,RP 能凸显你的个人潜力和研究水平,不写或者就算入面也不会给老师留下好印象
- 科大战略计划 from hkust gz
- Overview
- Strategic Plain 2021-2028 (e-book)
- 港粤澳大湾区
港科广Mphil的申请材料中比较大家比较关心的就是RP研究计划和Vision statement(类似PS)这两个东西了,当然不代表RL推荐信和CV不重要哈
- (1)过往相关研究经历
- (2)研究主题(价值意义)
- (3)研究计划(目标和方法)
- (1)希望在粤港澳大湾区攻读博士/硕士的原因(up to 2000 words)
- (2)毕业后的长期职业规划目标和兴趣(up to 2000 words)
- (3)您希望对粤港澳大湾区的研究发展和社会做出的贡献
- (4)您希望通过您的拟议研究计划展示的知识愿景和愿望
Vision Statement样例
Part 2: Vision Statement
(1) Reasons for wishing to pursue PhD / MPhil Studies in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
= why major + why school [why GBA]
My interest in Augmented Reality (AR) arose from both academic inquiries and practical experiences. During my studies at Parsons School of Design, my exploration of AR has instilled in me a deep understanding of its potential to provide a more immersive, three-dimensional interactive experience that emphasizes the significance of the present moment. Throughout my academic journey, I have been fascinated by the possibilities of AR in providing a canvas that extends to any space in the real world. Consequently, I have dedicated myself to pushing the boundaries of experience design and the application of AR technology with the support of pursuing postgraduate study at HKUST(GZ) in the GBA.
The MPhil program tailored by HKUST(GZ) enchants me with its innovative academic framework that expertly facilitates cross-interdisciplinary education. My booting zeal in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Media and Arts under the Information Hub assures me of its being the indefectible choice for my further education. Furthermore, GBA is a bellwether administrative region that has built a complete industrial chain ecology covering major national science and technology infrastructure in key disciplines, demonstrating the region’s strong inclusiveness and policy encouragement for scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship. It is why I chose [BLANK] as the incubation site of my company upon returning from the U.S. In 2022, I was honored to be invited by the GD, HK & Macao (International) Youth Entrepreneur Hub to become one of the innovative enterprises. The support and advantages we enjoyed boosted my confidence in my decision and inspired me to root here and grow stronger.
In a nutshell, the MPhil Studies program at HKUST(GZ) aligns perfectly with my educational goals. This opportunity channels my passion towards making a meaningful impact on the world with AR and AI technology that will be integrated into my company’s strategic development.
(2) Long-term career plan, aims and interests for future development after graduation (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
= career plan
Upon graduation, my top priority targets iteratively upgrading the current three business areas of [REDACTED] through innovative technology entrepreneurship. The theoretical knowledge, cutting-edge insights, and the brilliant like-minded I am thrilled to obtain and meet at HKUST(GZ) will definitely pump great power into my career blueprint.
I sketch out [REDACTED] Technology’s future by extending the three main business areas with AR technology regarding visualization, systemization, and interactivity. For instance, product promotion integrated with AR technology can visualize the cultural spirit behind the brand with a visual impact in a novel form, building a bridge between products and customer needs. The success with the Italian shoe brand Vibram tested the accessibility of my envision. In this case, the ideation team implanted the concepts of “sustainability” and “natural innovation” into an AR experience to bring the vivid 3D video of natural shoe-making materials being breathed into the sole, dyed and recycled into a giant tree to customers’ eyes. The support of AR made the simulation of this unseeable phenomenon a reality and may create more possibilities with the interfusion of AI. Likewise, our business cases of space optimization and social interaction have generated hundreds of AR experience designs and immersed thousands of players (customers) in various offline implementations.
Individually, my pursuit also goes toward connecting AR projects with the manifestation of various social values and perspectives, contributing my part to demonstrating the diversity of society towards economy, culture, psychological demands, and more. I aspire to lead [REDACTED] Technology to forge ahead into a global enterprise rooted in social responsibility, powered up by springing innovation and driven by state-of-the-art technologies.
(3) Contribution that you would like to make to the development of research in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and to the society (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
= your past academic and professional achievement
The Chinese economy is facing the arduous challenge that the real industrial business is experiencing a slowdown. As the “14th Five-Year Digital Economy Development Plan” states, solutions can be identified by deepening the integration of AI, virtual reality and other cutting-edge technologies to support the construction of offline consumption scenes. Accordingly, the GBA has been taken as a demonstration site of high-quality development, playing a fulcrum role in strategic competition, and is working on strengthening virtual-real interaction and aiming at breakthroughs in AI application scenarios.
My past two-year startup and management experience of a technology-driven company in Guangzhou has equipped me with valuable hands-on AR application experience in which around [REDACTED] players were engaged in over [REDACTED] commercial campaigns. The feedback and knowledge obtained from these real projects will keep directing my team to optimise virtual applications by incorporating AI technology, bringing more versatile and exceptional experiences to their users in the Greater Bay Area. Academically, I am currently fascinated by the application potential of AR-plus-AI technology in enabling shopping centres, cultural tourism, brand stores and other offline spaces to drive industrial advancement and achieve intelligent transformation. Therefore, I am ardent to integrate my experiences into research and conduct a fathom on this subject under the guidance of my supervisor, contributing my dedicative work to the GBA’s research development in focal fields.
In closing, the economic growth of GBA is a comprehensive goal that can be achieved to a higher standard by tactically coping with the synergistic relationship between extensive research and guidance from practices. On the path to realising my academic and professional goals, I am thrilled about playing a part in the GBA’s development substantively and theoretically.
(4)The intellectual vision and aspirations that you would like to demonstrate through your proposed research plan (up to 2000 characters including spaces).
Since my second year at college, I have mainly devoted myself to studying the potential of mixed reality in the offline entertainment industry and successfully composed a business plan for a prototype based on in-depth background research, diversified research methods and speculative design. That is the first time I have systematically unearthed the likelihood of increasing the utilisation of brand space by implementing AR, endeavouring to achieve dematerialisation in offline experience on top of spatial activities.
Inspired by the recent advancements in Generative Interactive Environments, I am eager to leverage the integration of AR and AI technology to create dynamic interactive environments that respond instantaneously to players’ feedback, to unlock new engagement possibilities. Therefore, the multi-scenario applications of AR-plus-AI technology are selected as my intended research focus for my postgraduate education. Technically, I aim to resolve the puzzle concerning how to elevate the productivity of AR spatial experiences by incorporating generative AI while contently generating diverse, high-quality themes catering to business needs, social needs, and spiritual attachment with a fusion of reality and imagination. HKUST (GZ) is chosen as my dream school as it is reputable for inclusiveness and innovation and is regarded as an ideal incubation site for critical and innovative thinking, upholding world-class academic pursuits and science-driven entrepreneurship.
I firmly believe that theoretical knowledge and practical experience are inseparable components of creating higher value and better social impacts. Envisioning a future, I aspire to expand [REDACTED] into a dynamic, empowering and adaptive technology enterprise proficient in creating ingenious solutions for AR spatial experience, benefiting people of all ages and all walks of life in imaginable ways.
26 【港科广硕士申请个人陈述怎么写? - 静静PhD MPhil | 小红书 - 你的生活指南】 😆 zBiPwBWw15a9XUk 😆
- 科大战略计划 from hkust gz
- Overview
- Strategic Plain 2021-2028 (e-book)
Established in 1991, HKUST is now a globally respected university and contributes both locally and internationally to talent development, new knowledge and societal interests. Being international is an intrinsic element of the HKUST spirit. The University was founded on the principle that education, original scholarship, and the development of society are integrally linked and best pursued together. We believe that humanity’s advancement is generated through the fostering of an international community and the nurturing of individuals through holistic education, original research, and knowledge transfer into the wider society.
HKUST’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. In just three decades, we have grown into a globally recognized academic and research institution. We are eager to embark on the next phase of development with the new Strategic Plan 2031.
Building upon the preceding Plan and incorporating the HKUST 3.0 Vision Plan launched in 2023, the new Plan features new strategies to navigate changing circumstances and achieve the next level of excellence. Through extensive discussions and engagement with the University community, including alumni, students, faculty and staff, as well as the Court and Council, the Strategic Plan 2031 reflects our collective aspirations for the future.
In summary, the University seek to become:
A University of Talents
An International Leader in Education and Research
A Visionary of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
An Exemplar of Best-in-class Sustainable and Quality Practices
A Champion of Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Openness
As a place of inquiry(研究), HKUST is dedicated to(致力于) delivering(带来) transformative changes in teaching, learning, research, knowledge creation and transfer as well as contributing to economic and societal development. In pursuit of our aspirations, we bring together the best minds and create a conducive learning and working environment. The University is uniquely positioned to tackle the complex global challenges that lie ahead. Our strength lies in our ability to anticipate
changes and respond with agility
, while empowering
each other to swiftly adapt to new circumstances.
Looking towards our 40th anniversary in 2031 and beyond, our recalibrated Strategic Plan serves as a compass, guiding our path towards more expansive possibilities for continued growth and development.
What makes a university great is its people. Our highest priority is to attract, nurture, and retain exceptional talents who will shape the future of HKUST. To extend our global reservoir of minds and abilities, we will innovate our approaches in recruiting a diverse and talented cadre of students, faculty, and staff. By creating an environment that empowers and encourages our members to unleash their multidimensional potential, together, we will build a community of lifelong learners and innovators – a community that can make a difference in the world.
Quality Students with Diverse Backgrounds
Our goal is to build and develop a diverse and vibrant student population of varied excellence. We have rolled out comprehensive outreach campaigns in Hong Kong and the targeted countries to recruit prospective students, using both in-person activities and online platforms to give them a taste of the “HKUST experience”. Through attracting students with diverse talents and backgrounds through flexible/ targeted admissions, scholarship schemes, and other incentives, we contribute to Hong Kong’s transformation into a regional education hub.
The University is committed to supporting students’ growth through a variety of programs and services. Outside the classroom, comprehensive student support will be offered, including service learning, wellness resources, career planning, and leadership training. With the expansion of student spaces, from hostels to co-working areas, students will enjoy a vibrant campus life with multicultural integration and varied possibilities. Community-building initiatives will be expanded to enrich the HKUST experience and deepen students’ sense of affinity to our community where they develop confidence, capacity, and networks.
High Caliber Faculty Across Disciplines
Our academic standing is contingent on our ability to recruit and retain the most talented individuals from around the world. Our faculty members, with different perspectives and experiences, are a source of the University’s strength. To this end, we will continue to undertake a global faculty search in the selected areas and innovate our faculty recruitment and appointment process to attract the best minds to support our education, research, and innovation endeavors.
The faculty reward system will continue to be reviewed and enhanced to ensure competitiveness on a global scale. In addition, we will support the development of young faculty through a faculty mentorship mechanism and other resources, as well as strengthen ties within the HKUST community by promoting interaction and collaboration among faculty members.
Skilled Staff with Various Experiences
Our staff members play a vital role in every aspect of our mission. HKUST will recruit staff members effectively and competitively in every role, and position itself as the top “employer of choice” by offering a supportive and dynamic work environment and ensuring competitiveness in the market.
A priority is to strengthen a performance culture that rewards outstanding performance and offers career advancement opportunities. This will involve supporting staff learning and development through leadership and management training for middle and senior management, as well as upskilling programs on emerging technologies. By enhancing communication with staff, we will work together to make HKUST a powerhouse of innovation and achievement.
HKUST aspires to take a leadership role in driving positive changes in education and research, empowering the next generation to address global challenges. Expanding our academic horizons and capabilities will push the boundary of excellence. Our innovation approach to education equips our students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to shape the future. We aim to unveil discoveries and applications in essential and emerging areas that have the potential to bring about transformations in the local, national, and global communities.
Nurturing Talents for the Future
University education is an important stage for students to develop the mindset and the ability to face and overcome challenges of tomorrow. With that in mind, we are constantly upgrading our curriculum to align it with broader societal goals on the future of our living, work, and people. In addition to advancing disciplinary learning, interdisciplinary education will be promoted to generate new visions and scholarship. In collaboration with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)), students will be offered access to the expanded learning resources under the Cross-campus Enrichment Program. Furthermore, both young and mature students will benefit from more lifelong learning opportunities designed to equip them with the skills to thrive in the face of evolving societal needs.
Ongoing enhancement of teaching is another focus. Participatory learning will be enhanced by adopting educational technology tools. We bridge education with the skills of the future by continuously enhancing the Common Core Program and other initiatives. In addition, HKUST will continue to empower faculty to develop innovative pedagogies by acknowledging and promoting exemplary practices.
Beyond the transmission of professional knowledge, one of our key approaches is the provision of whole person education to our students. Our courses and extracurricular activities equip students with intellectual and ethical tools to understand themselves, their surroundings, and how they can contribute to society, both locally and globally. The persistence in improving our education offerings will ensure that our students realize their full potential.
Expanding Academic Frontiers
HKUST spares no effort in reshaping boundaries of knowledge. Our goal is to innovate medical care alongside biomedical research by nurturing future-ready physicians with medical competence and a strong research foundation, and transforming discoveries into new diagnostics and therapeutics.
Another direction is to foster a fusion of innovation and humanities. A new academic unit will be established with the aim to become a leading interdisciplinary center where technology and art converge to fuel innovation. In partnership with different parties, we will promote innovation in sports science and optimize elite athletes’ performance in international competitions by leveraging our strength in interdisciplinary research.
Pursuing Research Excellence
Our goal is to grow our leadership in research. We foster interdisciplinary collaborations and drive research breakthroughs by launching thematic research schemes. To further create interdisciplinary opportunities, our faculty members are encouraged to collaborate with peers and capitalize on the research resources at HKUST(GZ). Through the HKUST Global Knowledge Network and other efforts, we will continue to establish partnerships with prestigious institutions across regions, widening the breadth and depth of international research collaboration.
It is equally important to provide an environment that fosters research excellence. Talent development plays a crucial role in propelling discovery. The University will explore ways to empower research units to attract faculty and research staff by creating and implementing innovative recruitment mechanisms. Physical research infrastructure will be maintained and upgraded to facilitate our faculty’s exploration of the unknown.
A spirit of innovation has taken root at our University. The HKUST Entrepreneurship Center, established in 1999, was the first of its kind among Hong Kong’s universities. Being proud of our accomplishments, we must further our efforts to become a visionary of innovation and entrepreneurship. Strengthening our innovation ecosystem will synergize different segments of the entire spectrum from research to impact, and nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators to create economic and societal impact.
From Discovery to Impact
With a rich history of translating discoveries into solutions, HKUST is well-positioned to contribute to the development of Hong Kong into an international innovation and technology hub. We bring innovation to the world effectively and deepen the reach of our impact. Strengthened collaboration with governmental, industrial, and community partners will bring in greater support and resources to accelerate the transformation of discovery. Apart from technology translation, we step up our efforts to transform cutting-edge research into meaningful non-technological solutions, such as evidence-informed policy ideas, for the betterment of the community.
Another direction is to develop critical innovation infrastructure and programs for knowledge transfer endeavors. We will improve the competency and capacity of our knowledge transfer units and upscale our investment capacity sustainably to support the growth of HKUST innovators. A critical direction is to develop innovation facilities in off-campus site(s), which will facilitate university-industry collaboration and strengthen our innovation ecosystem in the long term. Looking beyond Hong Kong, the University will enhance our knowledge transfer collaborative framework in the Mainland to synergize the development of our existing Mainland platforms, new innovation centers in strategic locations, and cross-campus innovation pursuits. At the same time, a network with global incubators will be established to advance our innovation with more collaborative possibilities.
Fertile Ground for Entrepreneurs
Since the early days, HKUST has been a place that promotes entrepreneurial spirit by providing a variety of entrepreneurship-related initiatives, including formal education and other activities, across multiple units to support our members in their business journey. Now, the University recognizes the need to coordinate all these entrepreneurship education efforts across students of different interests and backgrounds to maximize benefits and optimize delivery. A review of existing entrepreneurship programs and activities will be conducted. Additionally, we leverage our dynamic alumni community to fuel entrepreneurship through university-wide activities and targeted programs for innovators and founders.
A dual emphasis on sustainability and quality is at the core of our best-in-class practices. We will embody our innovative spirit to develop and uphold the best practices of campus development, financial management, as well as data and digital strategy. We also uphold sustainability as a guiding principle in all our operations while achieving our aspirations.
Enabling Environment for Our People
To strengthen HKUST’s world-leading position in education, research, and knowledge transfer, we commence campus development projects to address short, medium, and long-term spatial needs. In the near future, this will involve setting up a new town facility in Kwun Tong to provide additional teaching and office spaces, and, in the medium term, building new facilities under a Campus Development Plan. In anticipation of development of HKUST in the next decade and beyond, we must take decisive action to acquire and develop off-campus land sites for new initiatives with lasting impact. Concurrently, a Campus Renewal Plan will be in place to guide the maintenance and improvement of the existing campus facilities to enhance the campus experience.
Apart from physical infrastructure, we must also create and uphold a digital environment that unlocks potential of our people. Doing so requires enhancement of digital and data capabilities of our members. We will not only ensure timely and sufficient provision of digital tools but also foster a culture of data literacy and digital adaptability on campus. A key element is to forge a robust data strategy that guarantees data quality, security, and accessibility. Investment in hardware infrastructure, including high performance computational facilities, is also essential in the fast-changing environment.
Sustainability for the HKUST Community and the World
Striving to be a sustainability leader across the region and beyond, HKUST is taking various steps to renew our commitment to net zero carbon. A notable way is to meet the measurable targets of the ongoing 2028 Sustainability Challenge in areas of energy, water, landfill waste, biodiversity, and wellbeing. Another critical step is to develop and implement a Net Zero Action Plan that aspires to achieve the net zero emissions goal by 2045 through new building standards, operation improvements, sustainability education, knowledge advancement, and investments. Together, we will create the conditions for the HKUST community to thrive sustainably within planetary resource boundaries.
The University recognizes that our aspirations will require additional financial resources. While exploring different financing options and seeking to diversify our income streams, we will exercise prudence in financial planning to ensure adequate resources for our existing operations and new strategic initiatives. Our fundraising capabilities and support network will be advanced and extended for sustainable development of the University.
HKUST takes pride in being a community that celebrates diversity and values individuals with varying backgrounds and perspectives. To further harness the power of diversity, we plan to widen our efforts to recruit diverse talents and fortify our alumni community worldwide. Given the current geopolitical situation, it is crucial that we create and maintain an inclusive and open environment and expand our partnerships from all over the world in order to ensure our continued success.
From Diversity to Infinity
HKUST values and respects the diversity of people, experiences, and ideas. The strength of different perspectives and open-minded inquiry underpins our academic vigor and creativity. We are expanding our efforts to attract faculty with different backgrounds from around the world to advance scholarship and uncover new discoveries. We celebrate and support students of diverse cultures, abilities and achievements with targeted admission and scholarship schemes, unleashing their boundless potential.
Our alumni are a valuable source of diversity. As the alumni network continues to grow and expand geographically, our alumni bring new perspectives and ideas to the HKUST community, sparking innovation and creativity. We strengthen the relationship between graduates and the alma mater through alumni groups/ associations and university-wide events. We also cultivate a culture of care through alumni mentorship programs and the concept of alumni relocation hosts.
Celebrating Inclusiveness and Openness
Creating and nourishing an inclusive and open environment is a vital component to our commitment to diversity. By promoting diversity and equal opportunities, expanding community engagement initiatives, as well as offering inclusive facilities and services, our members are encouraged to embrace and value differences, to learn from each other, and cultivate a mindset that supports inclusiveness, collegiality, and respect. We also foster open communication through thematic academic events, information sharing, and creative arts.
Global connectivity and Mainland engagement are fundamental to our excellence. The University reaffirms its commitment to being an open academic nexus that appreciates diverse ideas, welcomes competing perspectives, and embraces new opportunities. This will be achieved by overseas thematic research collaboration, international academic alliances, amplified communication of our achievements with the world, and hosting major global academic events. To deepen our collaboration with Mainland partners, we continue to expand our footprint in strategic locations, and leverage our Mainland platforms in Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, and Beijing as well as our strategic partnership with HKUST(GZ). Additionally, we provide more and more global and Mainland learning opportunities to students to broaden their horizons.
The new strategic directions reflect our priorities for the upcoming stage of growth. Our goals are not only to maintain and enhance HKUST’s world-leading position in education, research, and innovation, but also to address the complex global challenges facing society.
Substantial transformations across sectors will arise in the years ahead due to technological advancements, global environmental challenges such as climate change, and the growing importance of holistic well-being. As a future-focused university, HKUST refreshes the University planning framework known as The Three Futures of Work, Living, and People, a continuation of the last Strategic Plan, to address the future challenges of humankind envisioned.
The Future of Work: Symbiotic Technological Innovation
The “Future of WORK: Symbiotic Technological Innovation” acknowledges the symbiotic relationship between human workers and intelligent machines in advancing future innovation. Against a backdrop of intelligent industrialization, our emphasis is on harmony between AI and robotics to complement and augment human capabilities, creating a collaborative partnership.
The Future of Living: Sustainability and Quality
The “Future of LIVING: Sustainability and Quality” emphasizes not only sustainable conduct but encompasses the broader quality of life for generations to come in light of the global environmental transformation. Apart from aspiring to be a leader of sustainability, our commitment extends to improving living conditions and maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.
The Future of People: Well-being and Creativity
The “Future of PEOPLE: Well-being and Creativity” recognizes the interconnection between health and creativity. Healthy people have more energy and clarity for creative endeavors; meanwhile, engaging in creative activities benefits well-being by relieving stress and lifting mood. This holistic approach deepens our understanding of the human condition and creates environments that nurture both creativity and overall well-being
Integrating the Three Futures – a Unified Approach to Tomorrow’s Challenges
The Three Futures are inter-related and converge to create the interconnected foundation for a Smart and Sustainable Society, ensuring our institutional endeavors stay future-focused and responsive to the evolving needs of the society.
- 一是因为校长倪明选教授提到学校以融合学科为特色,为高质量发展提供新动能。我感兴趣的量子信息与量子计算领域正是典型的融合学科,和学校的教学理念非常契合。
- 二是希望能跟随我的导师王鑫老师的脚步,在量子信息、量子计算领域取得更多突破性进展。我与王鑫老师相识于百度量子计算研究所期间。从研一实习遇到他,到现在成为他的博士生,王老师不仅指导我的科研进步,更在工作生活的各个方面,潜移默化地影响着我。
此次刊登在《物理快报》的论文“Reversing Unknown Quantum Processes via Virtual Combs: for Channels with Limited Information”,背后亦是充满曲折。依稀记得项目刚开始时,我兴致勃勃,但后来一度发现是自己想简单了,找不到可以继续深挖的研究点。某一天,在想要放弃的边缘,我和合作者正随手跑着一些实验,竟突然在实验现象中发现了新的方向,这让我们很欣喜。我们大家经常会在线上线下分享自己的想法,王鑫老师也往往可以对我们的想法和建议进行把关,抓住重点和主线,减少弯路。正是这种团结协作的氛围,推动科研之路持续发展。因为,我们会把完成的“paper”,看成一件由我们共同精心雕琢的作品,而不是导师布置给每个人的一项作业。
This is like interviewing a supervisor—you definitely want to understand the supervisor’s character, research direction, and strengths. The same goes for choosing a school; you also need to understand the school’s philosophy, strengths, and the kind of talent it seeks.
Link: 媒体聚焦 | 倪明选:香港科技大学(广州)——推进教育、科技、人才一体化融合发展的探索与实践
- 建设世界首所融合学科大学,推动中国乃至世界高等教育范式改革;
- 支持发展尖端科技,助力粤港澳大湾区科技创新和国家高水平科技自立自强;
- 重视引育创新人才,全面提升拔尖创新人才自主培养能力;为加快建设教育强国、科技强国、人才强国作出贡献。
- 坚持互补的学术框架和错位发展的学位课程。在“红鸟跨校园学习计划”的安排下,两校通过“科目共享(course sharing)”和“学分互换互认(credit transfer)”等机制,支持学生跨校选修课程及交流访问,促进基础学科与融合学科互动共长;
- 坚持大型研究设施各有定位。两校中央实验室及大型研究设施不重复购置,互相开放共享,协同搭建世界一流的实验平台;
- 鼓励学术教师跨校园联聘。探索设立联合学术任命(joint appointment)和跨校联属教师(cross-campus faculty affiliate)的创新机制,促进两校师资共享与合作;
- 支持两校教师开展联合教学、联合指导研究生和联合科研攻关等。2023年10月,两校共同设立了“20-20联合研究专项”,支持两校科研人员在交叉融合学科、前沿领域研究开展深入合作,联合承担国家重点重大技术课题,推动科研成果在粤港澳大湾区转化应用;
- 倡导两校不同院系、学术枢纽、学域和部门间的互联互通。通过开展更大范围、更高水平、更深层次的合作,促进两校实现深度融合。
学校全体科研人员以加强原始创新、引领性科研攻关为使命和目标。学校推动自由探索与有组织科研“两条腿走路”,既倡导独立PI(principal investigator)文化,给予教师充分的自由探索空间,又在国际科技前沿、国家重大需求和“卡脖子”等关键领域,重视和推动有组织科研,使不同学科背景的教师形成团队共同解决重大科学问题。学校不为追求排名而对教师下达任何硬性科研指标,在职称晋升中,坚持破“四唯”,不看重教师发表论文的数量,而是看重教师在学术方面的前瞻性和影响力,旨在激发原始创新、自主创新,真正实现“科学有高度、应用有前景、社会有影响”。除此之外,学校还根据新质生产力的发展要求与趋势前瞻性布局了低空经济、碳中和、海洋工程等重点研究领域,并在第一时间搭建平台、组建团队,为新兴领域的创新突破研究贡献融合学科力量。以低空经济领域为例,2024年3月,低空经济被写入政府工作报告,明确积极打造这一“新增长引擎”。2024年4月,学校便启动和成立低空经济研究院,并迅速组建了7个方向的专家团队,汇聚了一批敢于“突破边界”的顶尖科研人才,为低空经济的技术突破、行业标准制定和生态系统搭建等提供全方位科研支撑。
以解放思想为核心:推行人工智能与教育相结合(AI for education)的创新实践
随着生成式人工智能以势不可挡之势席卷全球,港科大(广州)坚持推行人工智能与教育相结合(AI for education)的创新实践。一方面坚持转变教师角色,鼓励教师更多地充当学生的“教练”,帮助学生多方位获取和理解知识;另一方面坚持解放学生思想,鼓励创新思维。为实现这一目标,港科大(广州)是国内首家在校内全面启用生成式人工智能大模型服务的大学。同时,学校为教师开设了融合学科和新型教学方法的培训课程,为学生专门开设了《融合学科研究方法》和《融合学科设计思维》两门必修课,以解放思想,释放创新活力。
This is not a Master of Philosophy program but a Master of Science program, it still holds considerable reference value.
ZT: 入学前我在一家生物医药(创新药)企业工作,体验到生物药研发所需的漫长周期,恰逢人工智能技术“出圈”的年代,想通过学习运用AI技术来提高研发效率,为生物医的研究与开发“插上翅膀”。
SQ: 科广的DCAI项目与我的学术兴趣方向和职业规划完美契合,能让我探索数据科学和人工智能的前沿技术以及与各行业领域的结合和具体应用,进一步探索和确认我的研究兴趣方向与可能职业方向。同时DCAI项目创新的一年实习制度可以让我们走进企业,进入工业界进行实操,为在硕士学业结束后计划就业的同学提供更贴合的发展路径。
史纪元: 我初次考研失败,然后在家准备二次考研的过程中发现了香港科技大学(广州)DCAI项目正在招生的计划。我搜索查看了香港科技大学(广州)的师资、硬件条件等等,觉得是一所理念相当先进,资源极为优异充足的学校,就立马着手申请并最后来DCAI项目学习。
SQ: 首先对科广印象深刻的回忆就是这里独特的培养方式。和内地高校不一样的学习模式,让我体验到了全新的学习生活。在课堂上,老师们鼓励我们积极提问和讨论,这种开放的氛围让我感到很自在,也激发了我对知识的好奇心,以及自由探索的学习模式。
史纪元: 港科广的指导老师非常尽心负责,不仅专业科研能力强而且人品也很好,尊重学生,给我留下了深刻的印象。另外就是港科广机会真的很多,无论是科研,亦或是恋爱。
Informaton Hub
Thrust of Artificial Intelligence
Jintai Chen
- Alfor Healthcare
- 结构化数据学习(Tabular Learning)
- Large Language Model/FoundationalModel
- 陈晋泰博士将于 2024 年 10 月加入香港科技大学(广州)Al Thrust,开设 ML2Health 实验室,担任助理教授一职。
- 此前,他是 UIUC 的博士后研究员,在中美两地都有广泛的学术合作伙伴。
- 其论文发表在高影响力的期刊和会议上,包括 NatureCommunications、ICML、ICLR 等。已指导多名本科生、博士生发表多篇一作 CCF-A 论文。
✅ 强烈的科研热忱和自驱力,良好的交流和合作意识。
✅ 较强的代码能力和执行力。
✅ 良好的英文写作能力。
✅ RA 工作需至少4个月以上或能完整完成一篇论文。 -
✅ 发表过高水平算法论文(例如但不限于 CCF-A)
✅ 较强的数学和统计能力。
✅ 深度参与或贡献过有影响力的机器学习相关开源项目
✅ 毕业于 985/211 高校且拥有高专业排名/高 GPA。
Yutao YUE
- 多模态感知融合
- 机器意识
- 通用人工智能
- 因果涌现与大语言模型机理
- AI4Science(AI与智能交通、电磁场调控、天体物理与宇宙学等领域的结合)
Ying-Cong Chen
I am an Assistant Professor at AI Thrust, Information Hub of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I am also an Affiliated Assistant Professor of the department of Computer Science & Engineering (Clear Water Bay Campus). I am a faculty member of the Deep Vision Lab. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I had the privilege of working with Prof. Dina Katabi. I earned my Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, under the mentorship of Prof. Jiaya Jia. I am honored as Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas).
My research focuses on visual generative models, exploring their fundamental principles with the aim of improving their quality, efficiency, diversity, and controllability. Beyond foundational research, I am dedicated to applying these models to solve real-world challenges in sectors such as autonomous driving, smart manufacturing, and content creation. My overarching goal is to advance the field of generative models by tackling sophisticated real-world challenges, thereby pushing the boundaries of academic research in different disciplines.
- Computer Vision
- Generative Models
- AI+X
Luozhou Wang, Guibao Shen, Wenhang Ge, Guangyong Chen, Yijun Li, Ying-Cong Chen.
Text-Anchored Score Composition: Tackling Condition Misalignment in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Cite] -
Baijiong Lin, Weisen Jiang, Pengguang Chen, Yu Zhang, Shu Liu, Ying-Cong Chen.
MTMamba: Enhancing Multi-Task Dense Scene Understanding by Mamba-Based Decoders.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Shuai Yang, Zhifei Chen, Pengguang Chen, Xi Fang, Yixun Liang, Shu Liu, Ying-Cong Chen.
Defect Spectrum: A Granular Look of Large-scale Defect Datasets with Rich Semantics.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Haodong Li, Hao Lu, Ying-Cong Chen.
Bi-TTA: Bidirectional Test-Time Adapter for Remote Physiological Measurement.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Cite] -
Jiaqi Tang, Hao Lu, Xiaogang Xu, Ruizheng Wu, Sixing Hu, Tong Zhang, Tsz Wa Cheng, Ming Ge, Ying-Cong Chen, Fugee Tsung.
An Incremental Unified Framework for Small Defect Inspection.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Xiyu Wang, Baijiong Lin, Daochang Liu, Ying-Cong Chen, Chang Xu.
Bridging Data Gaps in Diffusion Models with Adversarial Noise-Based Transfer Learning.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Yixun Liang, Xin Yang, Jiantao Lin, Haodong Li, Xiaogang Xu, Ying-Cong Chen.
LucidDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Interval Score Matching.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), (Spotlight, Top 2.81%), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Lin Song, Yukang Chen, Shuai Yang, Xiaohan Ding, Yixiao Ge, Ying-Cong Chen, Ying Shan.
Low-Rank Approximation for Sparse Attention in Multi-Modal LLMs.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
[Cite] -
Jiaqi Tang, Ruizheng Wu, Xiaogang Xu, Sixing Hu, Ying-Cong Chen.
Learning to Remove Wrinkled Transparent Film with Polarized Prior.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Yang Li, Ruizheng Wu, Jiyong Li, Ying-Cong Chen.
GNeRP: Gaussian-guided Neural Reconstruction of Reflective Objects with Noisy Polarization Priors.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] | [Project] -
Shuai Yang, Yukang Chen, Luozhou Wang, Shu Liu, Ying-Cong Chen.
Denoising Diffusion Step-aware Models.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code] -
Weiyu Sun, Xinyu Zhang, Hao Lu, Ying-Cong Chen, Ting Wang, Jinghui Chen, Lu Lin.
Backdoor Contrastive Learning via Bi-level Trigger Optimization.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
[Cite] | [Code]
- Top-ranking students
- World-level programming competition/ challenge winners
- Students who published high-quality papers in top conferences and journals as the first author.
related links:
Enyan Dai
I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the AI Trust at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I recevied my Ph.D. degree from the Pennsylvania State University under the supervision of Dr. Suhang Wang. I obtained my Master of AI degree from Computer Science Department at KU Leuven. I received my Bachelor Degree from the University of Science and Technology of China.
research drictions:
Xuming Hu
My name is Xuming Hu (胡旭明). I’m an Assistant Professor of the AI Thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I am also being affiliated with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Clear Water Bay).
I received my Ph.D. at the School of Software in Tsinghua University, where I am advised by Prof. Philip S. Yu (ACM/IEEE Fellow). I was a Visiting Scholar at CUHK MISC Lab from May 2022 to August 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Irwin King (IEEE Fellow).
Prospective Students:
Thanks for your interest in joining our group! We have 3-4 open positions for Ph.D. students in 2025 Spring and Fall in AI Thrust. For MPhil students, we have 4-5 open positions in 2024 Fall in AI Thrust, please contact me after passing the interview with the school’s Red Bird MPhil committee.
Research driction:
Prospective Students:
- When reaching out to me, in addition to your CV, it would be best to demonstrate the following in your email.
Applicants do not need to have a degree in computer science, but they should possess good coding skills and a basic understanding of natural language processing. The research direction of the applicants does not need to align with mine, as long as they have sufficient interest in large language models. - Prospective students are encouraged to visit our laboratory in advance to gain a better understanding of how our lab operates. This will facilitate a more informed decision based on mutual selection principles.
- Students who have only one publication as a (co-)first author, demonstrating their ability to develop ideas, implement, analyze, and write papers, are often considered more favorably than those who have participated in numerous publications without leading these projects.
- I am aware that many students without a first-author publication record are interested in applying to our lab. We welcome these students to participate in our publication-oriented projects or lead one influential open-source project. We are looking for self-motivated students. I will guide you in advancing these projects, and strong performance will significantly enhance your chances of a successful application.
Research Assistants/Visiting Students:
- I welcome research assistants, visiting students, and interns at all levels. Students are required to demonstrate a strong interest and good background knowledge in large language models. While prior research experience is encouraged, it is not mandatory. All positions for research assistants, visiting students, and internships can be remote. Research assistant positions will be compensated according to the applicant’s background.
The Machine Intelligence and Social Computing (MISC) Lab is led by Prof. Irwin King. We focus on fundamental as well as applied computational techniques for the collaborative and collective intelligence of group behaviors on the Internet. Our research topics include, but are not limited to:
- Web intelligence, web data mining, knowledge discovery on the web, web analytics, web information retrieval
- Learning to rank, ranking algorithms, relevance feedback, collaborative filtering, recommender systems
- Human/social computation, social games, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, models and theories about social networks, social marketing, monetization of the web
- Large graph and link-based algorithms
- Security/privacy issues related to web intelligence and social computing, etc.
Current Students:
- Phd:Zhihang Hu(SJTU) , Conghao Xiong(HIT) , Yueen Ma(Columbia University) , Zexuan Qiu(Sun Yat-Sen University) , Yixuan Wang(Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai) ,Zhihan Guo(University of Hong Kong) , Muzhi Li , Jiahong Liu(HIT,SZ) , Xinni Zhang(HIT,SZ) , Wenhao Yu(BUAA), Yifan Li(XJTU)
- Mphil:Terrence Ng(CUHK)
Related Links:
Junwei Liang
I am an Assistant Professor in the AI thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou campus). I lead the Precognition Lab. I am also an Affiliate Assistant Professor at HKUST computer science & engineering department.
Prior to joining HKUST-GZ, I was a senior researcher at Tencent Youtu Lab working with Chunhua Shen. I completed my Ph.D. in 2021 from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Alexander Hauptmann. My Ph.D. and research work were mostly funded by IARPA, NIST and NSF grants. I was a research intern at Google AI multiple times and collaborated with Lu Jiang, Liangliang Cao, Jia Li and Kevin Murphy. I obtained my undergraduate degree from RUC, advised by Qin Jin
Precognition Lab:
Our lab’s computing resources include 32 RTX 3090/4090 GPUs and a cluster of 24 A6000 GPUs with a 100TB NA
Related Links:
- Junwei’s profile
- Phd Rong’s 知乎
- Yujin Tang, CVer | SJTU | CUHKSZ | 视觉智能
- 梁俊卫, 助理教授-香港科技大学广州/CMU博士/腾讯大咖研究员/谷歌
- 梁俊卫’s 小红薯
- Junwei’s LinkIn
- Junwei’s 日程表
- CMU就读
Hao Liu
Hao Liu received his Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2017. He is currently an assistant professor at the Artificial Intelligence Thrust, HKUST (Guangzhou), and an Affiliated Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST (Clear Water Bay). Dr. Liu’s current research interests include urban foundation models, spatiotemporal data mining, and their applications on urban science, intelligent transportation, and recommender systems. In the past five years, he has filed over 50 China/U.S. patents and published over 60 research papers at prestigious journals and conferences, such as TKDE, SIGKDD, SIGIR, WebConf, VLDB, NeurIPS, and ICML. For his research on intelligent transportation and urban computing, he was named in Forbes 30 Under 30 China list for science and healthcare 2021.
Liu Li
I am an assistant professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) in the AI Thrust. I am also an Affiliated Assistant Professor of the department of Computer Science & Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Previously, I graduated from Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France with a PhD, and I was a postdoc researcher at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
I worked on “AI for Social Good”, and my research directions are multi-modal audio-visual speech processing, AI robustness and AI for healthcare.
I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor of the AI Thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I received my Ph.D. at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, supervised by Prof. Miao Chun Yan. My co-supervisor is Prof. Guosheng Lin. I also work closely with Prof. Steven Hoi. I was an intern working with Jiashi Feng at TikTok, Singapore.
My general research interests lie in the development of AI-powered perception and generation algorithms for multimodal data, including text, images, videos, and 3D shapes. Recently, we are working on projects of 3D reconstruction and LLM-based agents. Please drop me an email if you are interested in collaborations.
Research driction:
- 3D: 3D object reconstruction, 3D object generation, 3D dynamics reconstruction, 3D scene reconstruction, etc.
- LLM: LLM agents, LLM safety, accelerated inference of LLM, multimodal LLM, etc.
What can I offer you?
- Research guidance: I will do my best to provide support for literature review, code debugging, paper writing, career development, and more.
- Research environment: Innovative research ideas, sufficient computational resources, competitive salary, and a brand-new campus.
- Research connection: I am willing to encourage you to visit/intern at other academic institutions or tech companies, such as ByteDance, Tencent, etc.
- Strong self-motivation: You should be keen to learn and explore AI. Please do not apply if you are only seeking a degree and not interested in research.
- Strong hands-on ability and mathematical skills.
- Relevant working or research experiences.
- Typically, the duration is at least 6 months.
- For RAs, you will join us in full-time employment.
- For interns, you should be a current student in another university.
- Publications or submissions on top-tier CV/NLP/AI conferences and journals, such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML, ACL, EMNLP, ACM-MM, AAAI, IJCAI, TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TNNLS, etc.
- Relevant working or research experiences.
- Good GPA ranking in your school.
Addison Lin WANG
Addison Lin Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thrust of Information Hub and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). I am leadning Visual Learning and Intelligent Systems (VLIS) LAB @ HKUST, GZ Campus.
I was a Postdoc researcher in the visual intelligence(VI) lab at KAIST from August to Decemeber, 2021. I finished my Ph.D. degree in VI Lab at KAIST, supervised by Prof. Kuk-Jin Yoon from KAIST and advised by Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim from Imperial College London. In the three years of my Ph.D. study on computer vision and AI for intelligent systems, I had collaborated with my friend Dr. Mohammad Mostafavi from GIST, Korea. I also had a chance to work with Prof. Sung-Eui Yoon from the School of Computing at KAIST. Before August 2018, I was a Ph.D. candidate in the Dept. of Industrial & Systems Eng. and School of Computing at KAIST.
I am working on computer vision, computational photography, deep learning, MR/AR for intelligent systems. I am leading research on computer vision with Neuropmorphic/Thermal/360 cameras, Computer vision for AR/VR, Adverse vision problems, and Deep learning methods for intelligent mobile sytems.
He has also been working with Prof. Yishan Shen on the security problems of smart city and Prof. Lik-hang Lee on the metaverse for city-human interaction.
prospective students:
- I am currently looking for well-motivated graduate students, research intern or posdoc researchers to join my group. If you are interested in our research, please reach out to me via email by sending your CV and research statement (mandatory).
- Those accepted students and researchers will be well paid. We aim to make leading research on the fields of novel camera-based computer vision, computational imaging, efficient deep learning methods, and computer vision-supported AR/MR/metaverse for intelligent mobile systems.
- Currently, the addimission for PhD/Mphil is still ongoing, please check the HKUST Guangzhou Pilot Scheme.
Research Interests:Computer Vision, Computational Photography, Deep Learning, Intelligent Systems
- Neuromorphic camera-based vision.
- Thermal camera-based vision.
- Ominidirectional camera-based vision.
- Vision in all seasons for intelligent systems.
- Computational imaging and low-level vision problems.
- 3D vision and pixel-level segmentation for intelligent systems.
- Transfer learning, semi-/self-supervised learning, GANs for visual learning.
- Adversarial attack and robustness for intelligent systems.
- Computer vision for AR/VR/Metaverse.
Work Experience:
- Master and Phd in KAIST
- Postdoc in KAIST
- AP
- LU
- IC
Phd Students:
- Shang hai Univ.
- China Univ. of Geosciences
- Northeastern Univ.
- Sun Yat-sen Univ.
- Edinburgh Univ.
- Hunan Univ.
- Univ. of Electronic Sci. and Tech.
- Harbin Inst. of Tech., Weihai
- Beihang Unv.
- Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Tech.
- Harbin Inst. of Tech., Shenzhen
- South China Univ. of Tech.
- Tsinghua Univ.
- Hebei Univ. of Tech.
- Tongji Univ.
- Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.
- Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China
- Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China
- Hong Kong Univ.
Zeke Xie
Dr. Zeke Xie is an Assistant Professor at Information Hub, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He is leading Xie Machine Learning Foundations Lab (xLeaF Lab) that generally interested in understanding and solving fundamental issues of modern AI, particularly large models, by scientific principles and methodology.
Previously, he was a researcher at Baidu Research responsible for large models and AIGC research. He obtained Ph.D. and M.E. both from The University of Tokyo. He was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Issei Sato and Prof. Masashi Sugiyama. He was also affiliated with RIKEN AIP during the Ph.D. study. Before that, he obtained Bachelor of Science from University of Science and Technology of China.
He received the 2017 IBISML Research Award Finalist and the 2024 faculty research award from ByteDance . Most of his works have been published on three top-tier ML conferences, namely ICLR, ICML, and NeurIPS. He also regularly serves as a reviewer/PC for ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, TPAMI, Neural Computation, TNNLS, etc.
He writes a number of popular science articles and tech blogposts. He is glad to share the thoughts and communicate with more than 200k followers who are interested in these articles/blogposts.
Research drictions:
- Foundations of Generative AI: Optimization, Generalization, Efficiency, and Theory of Diffusion Models/LLMs.
- AI + Science: Generative AI for Science and Science of AI.
Prospective Students:
- phd: 至少一个高质量的一作顶会论文
- RA: 应该有优秀的学业背景(如国家奖学金)或一作顶会论文
- postdoc: 多篇一作顶会论文,或具备将科研成果产业化的能力
First, you need to choose a RBM project, at least a few project candidates.
Second, you need a specific research goal associated with your chosen RBM project.
Third, let me know the RBM project and your own research plan, so I can check your research interests match AIGC research or AI startup.
Fourth, I will arrange an interview meeting for you.
Finally, we may work together.
If you are strongly eager to seek my supervision and research AIGC, we may choose a possible research topic first (after the interview) and then you need to find some connection to a RBM project.
Alumni (Students & Interns under my advice):
- Zipeng Qi, (Intern@Baidu Research, PhD Student @ Beihang University) 2024-2024 [preprints*2]
- Buhua Liu, (Intern@Baidu Research, Master Student @ HKBU) 2023-2024 [ICLR2024, preprint*2]
- Xiong Zhou, (Intern@Baidu Research, PhD Student @ HIT) 2023-2024 [ICLR2024 , ICLR2024, preprint]
- Xindi Yang, (Intern@Baidu Research, Outstanding Intern of the Year Award, Master Student @ BJTU) 2022-2024 [ICCV2023, ICLR2024]
- Zheng He, (Intern@Baidu Research, Master Student @ BeihangU) 2021-2023 [ICML2022]
- Shuo Yang, (Intern@Baidu Research, Outstanding Intern of the Year Award, PhD Student @ UTS) 2021-2022 [ICLR2023]
Related Links:
Thrust of Computational Media and Arts
Mingming Fan(HCI 牛组)
Mingming Fan is an Assistant Professor in Computational Media and Arts (CMA) and Internet of Things (IOT) Thrusts at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)), with joint and affiliated assistant professor positions in Division of Integrative Systems and Design and Department of Computer Science and Engineering respectively at HKUST. Before joining HKUST campuses, he worked for two years as a tenure-tracked Assistant Professor in the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR) at RIT after earning his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 2019.
Led by Prof. Mingming Fan, APEX group conducts research at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), AI and VR/AR/MR with three foci:
- Assistive Technology (AT): to empower older adults and people with disabilities
- Human-AI Collaboration: to understand human-AI collaboration dynamics via scientific studies and to create novel human-AI collaboration systems.
- VR/AR/MR: to create novel VR/AR/MR interaction techniques and applications, for aging, accessibility and learning/education purposes.
Prospective Ph.D. Applicants: If you have strong technical AND design skills and are truly passionate about the following topics, you can send me an email:
- Human-AI Collaborative Systems: Design novel collaborative systems between human and AI agents to tackle practical challenges in learning/education, aging, health, and accessibility.
- Embodied AI Agents: Design novel interactive embodied agents (e.g., in the form of physical robots or devices) to tackle learning/education, aging, health, and accessibility challenges.
- AI + Immersive Environments (VR/AR/MR): Design creative combinations of AI and immersive environments to tackle learning/education, aging, health, and accessibility challenges.
Visiting Research Students:: If you are a registered graduate (PhD or master’s) student in another university and would like to visit my group for a short period (e.g., 3 months), I welcome you to apply our visiting student program: link. You may also send me an email with CV and transcripts. Make sure your home university and/or your academic supervisor allows you to visit.
Prospective MPhil Applicants: For candidates with strong academic record but without strong research experience, I recommend them apply for our MPhil program first. Our MPhil program is a fully funded research master’s program, which is managed by the university. Follow the instructions via this link and apply accordingly.(Accepted MPhil students have the opportunity to work with me in my group and will have better chances to be admitted into our PhD programs.)
- Xiaofu Jin
- Xiaoying Wei(THU)
- Zisu LI
- Chutian Jiang(NUS)
- Luyao Shen
- Zhiqing Wu(University of Melbourne)
- Duotun Wang(University of Maryland, College Park,BIT)
- Zhongyue Zhang(University of Southern California,Brown University & Rhode Island School of Design (RISD))
- Shumeng Zhang
- Shixu ZHOU
- Yucheng LIU
- Yukai Zhang
- Zeyu Xiong(to ETH)
- Junan XIE(Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen)
- Ruohao Li(本组->博)
SilverCycling: Exploring the Impact of Bike-Based Locomotion on Spatial Orientation for Older Adults in VR
Qiongyan Chen, Zhiqing Wu, Yucheng Liu, Lei Han, Zisu Li, Ge Lin Kan, Mingming Fan
August 2024, IMWUT 2024 -
Beadwork Bridge: Understanding and Exploring the Opportunities of Beadwork in Enriching School Education for Blind and Low Vision (BLV) People
Shumeng Zhang, Weiyue Lin, Zisu Li, Ruiqi Jiang, Chen Liang, Mingming Fan, Raul Masu
July 2024, ASSETS 2024 -
Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) Tools on Social Dynamics in UX Collaboration
Ziyan Wang, Luyao Shen, Emily Kuang, Shumeng Zhang, Mingming Fan
May 2024, DIS 2024 -
SplattingAvatar: Realistic Real-Time Human Avatars with Mesh-Embedded Gaussian Splatting
Zhijing Shao, Zhaolong Wang, Zhuang Li, Duotun Wang, Xiangru Li, Yu Zhang, Mingming Fan, Zeyu Wang
March 2024, CVPR 2024 -
Toward Making Virtual Reality (VR) More Inclusive for Older Adults: Investigating Aging Effects on Object Selection and Manipulation in VR
Zhiqing Wu, Duotun Wang, Shumeng Zhang, Yuru Huang, Zeyu Wang, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
To Reach the Unreachable: Exploring the Potential of VR Hand Redirection for Upper Limb Rehabilitation
Peixuan Xiong, Yukai Zhang, Nandi Zhang, Shihan Fu, Xin Li, Yadan Zheng, Jinni Zhou, Xiquan Hu, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
LightSword: A Customized Virtual Reality Exergame for Long-Term Cognitive Inhibition Training in Older Adults
Qiuxin Du, Zhen Song, Haiyan Jiang, Xiaoying Wei, Dongdong Weng, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
FetchAid: Making Parcel Lockers More Accessible to Blind and Low Vision People With Deep-learning Enhanced Touchscreen Guidance, Error-Recovery Mechanism, and AR-based Search Support
Klara Zhitong Guan, Zeyu Xiong, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
Enhancing UX Evaluation Through Collaboration with Conversational AI Assistants: Effects of Proactive Dialogue and Timing
Emily Kuang, Minghao Li, Mingming Fan, Kristen Shinohara
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
Designing Upper-Body Gesture Interaction with and for People with Spinal Muscular Atrophy in VR
Jingze Tian, Yingna Wang, Keye Yu, Liyi Xu, Junan Xie, Franklin Mingzhe Li, Yafeng Niu, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
Designing Unobtrusive Modulated Electrotactile Feedback on Fingertip Edge to Assist Blind and Low Vision (BLV) People in Comprehending Charts
Chutian Jiang, Yinan Fan, Junan Xie, Emily Kuang, Kaihao Zhang, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
CoPrompt: Supporting Prompt Sharing and Referring in Collaborative Natural Language Programming
Li Feng, Ryan Yen, Yuzhe You, Mingming Fan, Jian Zhao, Zhicong Lu
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
Bridging the Literacy Gap for Adults: Streaming and Engaging in Adult Literacy Education through Livestreaming
Shihan Fu, Jianhao Chen, Emily Kuang, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024 -
“It is hard to remove from my eye": Design Makeup Residue Visualization System for Chinese Traditional Opera (Xiqu) Performers
Zeyu Xiong, Shihan Fu, Yanying Zhu, Chenqing Zhu, Xiaojuan Ma, Mingming Fan
February 2024, CHI 2024
Our group’s work has been published at top-tier venues of human-computer interaction (HCI). We have won Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards (4 times) and Best Paper Award from ACM CHI, Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards from UbiComp, Best Artifact Awad from ACM ASSETS, and Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards from Chinese CHI (2 times).
Related Links:
Chen Liang
Related Links:
Related Links:
Zeyu Wang
The Creative Intelligence and Synergy (CIS) Lab at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) conducts cutting-edge research at the intersection of computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence, focusing on algorithms and systems for digital content creation. Our current research topics include sketching, VR/AR/XR, generative techniques, and multimodal creativity, with applications in art, design, perception, and cultural heritage.
Dr. Zeyu Wang is looking for PhD/MPhil students, postdoctoral researchers, and research assistants to embark on an exciting journey to the synergy between scientists and creatives. Please refer to the Opening page for more details if you are interested in conducting and publishing top research in CG, HCI, and AI.
Related Links:
I’m an assistant professor at Thrust of Computational Media and Arts (CMA), and jointly appointed at Thrust of Data Science and Analytics (DSA) in Information Hub, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and also affiliated with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST. My research focuses on data visualization and visual analytics, VR/AR, and creative design. Before joining HKUST (GZ), I worked as an associate professor at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, adjunct associate professor at BNU-HKBU United International College , and a senior researcher at Future Cities Laboratory, ETH Zurich. I received both the bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in computer sciences from the Nanyang Technological University.
I’m leading the Collaborative Interactive Visualization & Analysis Laboratory (CIVAL) @ HKUST (GZ). Find more information about CIVAL here.
prospective students:
Please take a look at my research profile and interests, and write a concrete research plan accordingly. I will not respond to your email if the content is generic in any research area, for example, “I would like to do research in data visualization” or “in deep learning.” I do have a wide spectrum of research interests, but that does not mean that I am dedicated to or capable of doing any research. It is fine if you know nothing about my research, in case that you are willing to and be able to do the research assigned to you!
- computational design for visualization, infographics, poster, floorplan, etc.;
- situated visualization in VR/AR; and
- visual analytics for various application domains like transportation, building energy, etc.
Related Links: